Code of Conduct

School Conduct

  • All members of the school community are asked to respect each other.
  • All children are expected to respect their teachers, other adults and fellow pupils.
  • All children are expected to respect their own and other people’s property and to take care of books and equipment.
  • Children are asked to be well‐behaved, well‐mannered and attentive.
  • Children should walk (not run) when moving around school.
  • If a child has a grievance against another child, it must be reported to a member of staff who will deal with the matter.
  • Physical violence is not acceptable, neither is retaliation. Repeated or serious incidents will lead to exclusion.
  • Foul or abusive language must not be used.
  • Children are expected to be punctual.
  • Children must not bring sharp or dangerous instruments to school, or any item that might cause a problem.
  • Children should wear the correct school uniform.
  • Children are not allowed to bring sweets into school.

School Rules

  • Do as you are asked first time.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • No swearing, skitting or talking back.
  • Stay in class area unless you have permission to leave.
  • No shouting.

This code of conduct and the school rules have been formulated with the safety and well‐being of the children in mind, and to enable the school to function efficiently as a place of learning.


Consequences for not following the school rules are:

  •     A warning
  •     Loss of Dojo point
  •     Loss of a playtime
  •     Sent to Headteacher
  •     Contact Parents
  •     Behaviour Support Plan
  •     Suspension
  •     Permanent exclusion

A major aim of the school policy is to encourage children to practise good behaviour by operating a system of praise and reward. This is for all children.

The Windmill Hill scheme is based on an online interactive points system called Class Dojo.

You can find out more about the Class Dojo points system by clicking the link below:

We celebrate children’s achievements and good behaviour with certificates. Incentive stickers are available for everyone. These stickers are used by all teachers, classroom assistants and midday assistants to encourage good behaviour and good work. In addition, each class teacher gives verbal or written praise as often as possible.

Each week a Star of the Week is chosen from each class. The Headteacher hosts a Hot Chocolate and biscuits session in her room to celebrate their success.


We can solve all problems, if we know about them. Please talk to your child’s teacher, in the first instance, and then the Headteacher if the problem is not resolved. If any parent is still not satisfied they are asked to write to the Chair of Governors, care of the school.