School Ethos

The Windmill Hill Primary School Pledge

We Promise…

At Windmill Hill Primary School, we want our children to experience the joy of discovery; to solve problems; to be creative in writing, art and music. Most of all, we strive to develop their self-confidence, so that they develop into emotionally strong adults.
We will encourage our children to set high targets for themselves and teach them how to use set-backs to become even better. This school will combine high standards with a broad, balanced and rich curriculum. Education will be the fusion of excellence and enjoyment. We believe that, when there is joy in what children are doing, they learn to love learning!

English and maths will be the backbone of our pupils’ success in learning.

We will build on our strengths to serve the needs of our children using the skills of everyone in the school. Our school will drive its own improvement; set its own challenging targets and recognise that, for the sake of our children, we can always do better.

Learning will be focused on individual pupil’s needs and abilities and we will develop assessment for learning to enable ‘knowledge about individuals’ to inform the way they are taught and learn.

Teachers and classroom assistants will provide a tailored approach to support all learners and we will provide extra support to the learners that need it most.

We will build a partnership with parents by providing a wealth of information and by knitting the school into the fabric of their community.

The Headteacher and Governors will devise and monitor effective systems for quality teaching and learning.

Our school will promote high standards of behaviour by modelling and teaching positive behaviour to all learners and allowing the time and space that they need to think about their choices.