Winter Update
Chester Zoo
We finished the autumn term with a trip to Chester Zoo for the whole school. It was a lovely day and everyone had a great time. Despite the heavy rain earlier in the week, the sun (and the animals) made an appearance.
This term, we had lots of visitors in school. Everyone commented on the children’s behaviour and manners and that they are a credit to our school.

We started off the Spring Term with a panto. A Panto Production company came in to school and performed Peter Pan. There was lots of audience participation – some of the teachers even danced to Baby Shark!
Islamic Workshop
In January, we welcomed Imran Kotwal to our school. Imran worked with the children and showed them artefacts from the Islam faith and explained what they are used for. All of the children were very polite and courteous to Imran who enjoyed his visit so much that he would like to return!
Author Visit
Simon Adepetun, who wrote The Bee Hive, visited our school in March for World Book Day. The local author spent time with each class reading extracts from his book and explaining how he started writing. Some children purchased his signed book and everyone really enjoyed the day.
School Nurse
The school nurse came to coffee morning after Celebration Assembly one week to meet the parents. She was available to discuss any concerns parents had about their child’s development. Several parents took the time to speak to the nurse who was able to offer some advice.
Art Exhibition
Once again, we took part in the art exhibition at the Shopping City. Our display was based around the book ‘The Bear and the Piano’. All of the children got involved with creating the pieces for the display and there were bears all over the school! The display is now safely back at school where everyone can enjoy it.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Halton
The Mayor and Mayoress of Halton came to assembly to present a certificate to Class 2 and Class 4 for taking part in the campaign to ‘10 Million Steps with The Mayor of Halton’. Our classes achieved over 600,000 thousand steps and raised over £30.00. This money will be split between two charities – The Widnes Fellowship Centre & Widnes and Runcorn Carner Support Group.
Olympic hero and multi gold-winning medalist Beth Tweddle
Our gymnastics team were extremely impressed after superstar Beth Tweddle popped in to say hello and help out with their training. The former three-time world champion was brilliant with the children and loved seeing them perform gymnastics.
Farm Urban
Year 5 visited Farm Urban in Liverpool. This trip was organised by Daresbury Laboratories. Education and outreach are central themes of Farm Urban. They work with schools and organisations across the North West to introduce the concept of urban farming and find interesting ways to reconnect people with their food. They take a practical approach to education, challenging people to get hands-on and think creatively to design, build and use their own systems and grow, eat and enjoy their own-grown food. It was a very interesting day for the children.