Winter Update 2022

We all returned to school in September after a lovely summer. We had some maintenance and refurbishment work done in school during the summer holidays. These subtle improvements contribute to a pleasant school life and staff, children and visitors all appreciate it. We welcomed the new Reception Class and I am pleased to say they have all settled into school life very well.

The children have taken part in lots of sporting events in the borough. Our football team took part in a tournament at OBA and some of our children took part in an athletics competition in Widnes. All of the children tried their best and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

This year, we supported the Green Jumper charity whose main goal is to stop/delay climate change. Everyone came into school wearing something green. We also turned the heating off for part of the day to support the cause!

Year 2 learnt about Harvest and arranged for food donations to be brought into school. These donations were passed over to the food bank at St Berteline’s church. It is important for the children to understand the gift of charity and to help those who are not as fortunate as ourselves.

In November, Years 4 and 5 went on a trip to Tatton Hall in Knutsford where they learnt about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings.


We are busy preparing for Christmas which is always such a hectic but fun time in school. The turkeys have been ordered, the Christmas play rehearsals are well under way; we just need to get into the loft to get the decorations down!