Spring Update 2021
Autumn/Winter Review
We tried to resume normal school life throughout the autumn term whilst following all the guidance for monitoring Covid-19. A few classes were disrupted but on the whole, we have all kept very safe and well.
The children were able to do a Christmas performance in their bubbles. This was recorded and sent to the parents. It was a much calmer Christmas season than normal but we all had fun in school before the holidays.
We returned after the Christmas holidays for one day as the Prime Minister announced another lockdown. All of the children and parents engaged very well with the remote learning and we kept in touch with all of our families. Some children were able to attend school throughout this time. John the Gardener came into school during lockdown to tidy up our allotments and the children who were in school helped him.
We took the opportunity to get some work done on the school grounds and had a MUGA pitch installed. MUGA stands for Multi Use Games Area! The pitch is enclosed in a cage with an AstroTurf flooring and the children love it! We also had some basketball hoops installed which again, are very popular.
Our new Friendship Bench has now been installed in the playground. We would like to thank all parents for their donations towards this. We were also given a generous donation by the Big Local. Our Reception class have been preparing for Easter by building a big nest in the forest. Some lovely eggs have been laid in it by a rare bird!
We are looking forward to the Summer Term and brighter days!