Spring Update 2020
We started the Spring Term feeling invigorated after the Christmas Holidays.
Peter Gaskin visited every class in the school and talked to the children about Humanism.
Mental Health
With the focus on Mental Health, particularly in young people, our children have taken part in lots of activities centred around managing their Mental Health. Year 1 and Year 2 took part in a Wellbeing and Mental Health Workshop with their parents. They were taught activities, including meditation to help parents help their child cope with stressful situations. All Year Groups have taken part in fitness sessions with the HIT team from Halton. The NSPCC also visited school and delivered assemblies, teaching children to speak out when they are in situations where they don’t feel safe.
Two of our Year 6 pupils attended a Safer School E-Safety event at Halton Lea Library. Our Assistant Head, Mrs McCoy, Maddison and Thomas will continue to promote e-safety throughout the whole school. Youth Engagement Officers from Cheshire Police did a presentation in assembly to parents about how they can protect their children online.
Annual Holidays
We celebrated Chinese New Year with noodles and prawn crackers and the whole school had pancakes on Shrove Tuesday made by our nominated chef, Mrs McCoy.
Sporting Events
We have taken part in many sporting events this term. The children from Year 5 and 6 took part in the Kinball event for the first time and they are very proud that they came in second place. Our Year 3 and 4 children are representing Halton at the Merseyside Gymnastics Final. We will update you with the results in the next update. For the first time, we took part in the Halton Swimming Gal at Kingsway in Widnes. This is something we aim to continue as we have increased our swimming lessons in school.
World Book Day
Once again we celebrated World Book Day in style with everyone dressing up as their favourite characters!
Science Week
The whole school are visiting the Catalyst Museum in Widnes for Science Week.
Art Project
Once again, we took part in the Art Exhibition at Runcorn Shopping City. The theme this year was the Olympics which are taking place in Japan this year.
We said goodbye to Mrs Drinkwater who retired at Christmas. Mrs Drinkwater was at Windmill Hill for 17 years. She plans to do lots of travelling during her retirement. The last we heard is that she is on a cruise somewhere in the Caribbean!
Enjoy your retirement Mrs Drinkwater!